Lake Columbia Property Owners Association
Lake living enjoyment in EVERY season!
Lake Columbia is a private lake located in the beautiful Irish Hills of Brooklyn, Michigan.
Special Notices
Featured Dates
Helpful Links
Payment Options
You can pay your assessments by mail, over the phone, in person, or online. Learn more.
Receive the Columbian Newsletter via Email. Sign up with our contact form, send us an email, or simply call us at (517) 592-2361.
Association Office
Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 9 am to 5 pm
Tuesday, Thursday - 9 am to noon
The LCPOA Office Personnel is here to help you!
The LCPOA office is open five days a week. During closed hours, owners can email, mail, or use the front door drop-off slot to submit payments, vehicle and watercraft registrations, and more. To obtain ramp access, pick up decals or submit building plans, please stop in during our office hours. If you have any questions, call (517) 592-2361.
Lake Columbia is a desirable beautiful peaceful private lake in southern Michigan!
Thank You For Your Help
We are proud of our lake and our goal is to always keep it a healthy, fun, and relaxing place for everyone to enjoy.
We appreciate all that you do in helping to support our lake through your donations, volunteering your time, keeping our parks clean, participating in our community events and the numerous other areas that help our association!

Fish Stocking
Donations are appreciated!
Fish stocking takes place each year. Donations can be made any time of the year. Would you like to help fund the stocking of our fish?
Fish Stocking Form